由里企業精神  The spirit of YULI Corporation 


品格 - 誠實守信達成對員工、客戶、合作夥伴及社會的承諾。

自律 - 事業心、使命感、社會責任感、人生理想和價值觀作為基礎,達到自我約束。

專業 - 運用專精知識展現對工作熟練度,透過流程改進及方法創新,持續精進能力。

服務 - 透過專業技術及知識資訊,為客戶解決問題,創造身心愉悅的生活空間。

創意 - 陪伴客戶共同打造獨一無二的創造及想像的設計完成品。


Integrity - Achieving commitments to employees, clients, business partners, and society through honesty and trustworthiness.

Discipline - Based on professionalism, a sense of mission, social responsibility, life ideals, and values, achieving self-control.

Professionalism - Demonstrating expertise and proficiency in work, continuously improving capabilities through process improvement and innovative methods.

Service - Solving problems for clients and creating enjoyable living spaces through professional skills and knowledge.

Creativity - Collaborating with clients to create unique and imaginative design solutions.






The creed of YULI

In adherence to the ' YULI Creed,' we uphold the YULI corporate culture and values, providing clients with the necessary information for 'stable and secure entrustment.' YULI is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in architecture and interior design, deeply rooted in Taiwan for 30 years, and has consistently operated in accordance with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.



1. 遵循由里準則



遵循準則要求所有人共同努力,由里必須確保所有人皆承擔個人責任, 並發揮自己的作用。


Adhering to the Yuli guidelines

The corporate spirit of YULI is at the core of our business and vital to YULI continued growth. Adhering to these principles means putting our corporate spirit into practice and conducting transactions in a professional and trustworthy manner. Therefore, YULI can protect and build our reputation among clients and consumers, which is one of YULI most precious assets. The YULI Code and its associated policies outline YULI expectations for all employees and third-party business partners, forming the basis of compliance assessments.

Following these guidelines requires collective effort from everyone, ensuring that YULI maintains personal accountability and fulfills their role.



2. 以身作則



Leading by example

Every manager and leader within the YULI organization carries a heightened responsibility: to lead by example and encourage teams to act according to YULI core values.



3. 落實合法及保障由里利益



Staying legal and protecting our interests

YULI has a dedicated legal team that provides legal and regulatory advice consistently. Every employee of YULI must proactively seek legal consultation in certain situations, including significant contracts, litigation, claims or investigations, intellectual property, brand protection, and personal data privacy matters. "Not knowing" cannot be used as an excuse for non-compliance with the law; employees must appropriately consult YULI appointed legal team to ensure Yuli and its brands are adequately protected.



4. 鼓勵發聲



Encouraging speaking up

In situations where YULI code and its related policies do not cover a particular scenario, every employee of YULI should immediately raise any questions about the "right course of action." YULI encourages employees to question, speak up bravely, and voice concerns. After a thorough review and assessment, YULI will consider and implement corrections based on the feedback provided by employees. If any employee of YULI has ethical concerns about the behavior of others, they should also speak up courageously. It is the responsibility of every employee to report concerns regarding any situation that may not comply with guidelines, policies, or legal requirements.