誠信經營  Integrity in business operations 


1. 反賄賂、反貪腐、反回扣

由里對於任何形式的賄賂、貪腐及回扣,採取零容忍態度由里不提供、給予 、索取或收受賄賂以獲取任何不正當的商業利益。由里無法容忍員工或代表由里的合作夥伴存在任何形式的貪腐(無論直接或間接)。由里亦不會為了建立業務關係,而營造或允許對方營造我們會圖利彼此的義務或觀感。


Anti-bribery, anti-corruption, and anti-kickback

YULI maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of bribery, corruption, or kickbacks. We do not offer, give, solicit, or accept bribes to gain any improper business advantage. YULI does not tolerate any form of corruption by its employees or representatives, whether direct or indirect. We also do not engage in or allow practices that could create obligations or the perception of mutual gain in business relationships.



2. 贈禮、招待和娛樂款待



Gifts, entertainment, and hospitality

Occasionally accepting or providing gifts, entertainment, and hospitality can help build positive business relationships, as long as it does not influence or appear to influence proper business decisions. While fostering business relationships is important, seeking reciprocity is not. YULI does not create obligations that could suggest mutual benefit, nor do we allow others to perceive that YULI seeks to benefit from them. This is especially crucial when dealing with political figures or those associated with them.




• 呈報送禮緣由,紀錄所有送禮內容、日期及金額,並取得核准。

• 若涉及任何政治公眾人物,請和直屬主管的事先核准。

• 切勿提供或接受現金或約當現金。

• 同一年度同一人贈送禮品或提供款待超過3次,將被視為過度。


Whenever giving or receiving gifts and hospitality, every employee of YULI Corporation should adhere to the following guidelines:

• Report the reason for giving the gift, record all details including the content, date, and value of the gift, and obtain approval.

• If involving any political figures, obtain prior approval from immediate supervisors.

• Do not offer or accept cash or cash equivalents.

• Giving gifts or providing hospitality to the same individual more than three times in the same year will be considered excessive.






Compliance with legal tax obligations

YULI operates legally, complying with local government and tax regulations. We issue invoices for payments received from clients and pay taxes regularly and punctually. We adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards tax evasion, assisting in illegal tax evasion, and failure to prevent assistance in illegal tax evasion.







Anti-money laundering

YULI is committed to conducting business in an honest and ethical manner, thereby minimizing the risk of illicit funds entering YULI's operations.

YULI strongly discourages cash payments in person. For transactions equal to or exceeding NT$30,000 (or equivalent), clients are required to make payments to YULI's corporate bank account. For transactions totaling NT$30,000 or more paid in multiple cash installments, clients are requested to pay via wire transfer or by certified check.