辦公環境  Office Environment 


1. 優秀的人才



Talented Team Members

Outstanding talent is one of YULI's most valuable assets. Integrity and fair exchange have always been core values at YULI. Throughout all operations and collaborations, YULI holds the responsibility to protect its employees. Therefore, YULI's human resources policies ensure that employees and third parties are treated with fairness and respect during their cooperation.



2. 多元、公平與共融 



Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Fostering an inclusive environment that encourages diverse thinking is our shared responsibility. In this environment, every employee should feel welcome, valued, capable of making meaningful contributions, and able to express their true selves. Achieving this goal requires conscious actions from every YULI employee to uphold and maintain.



3. 反歧視、反霸凌與反騒擾  



Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Bullying, and Anti-Harassment

In making decisions related to recruitment, assessment, promotion, training, development, discipline, compensation, and dismissal, YULI adheres strictly to individual merits and objective criteria, without any form of discrimination. YULI adopts a zero-tolerance approach towards any physical, verbal, or non-verbal bullying and harassment that infringes upon the dignity of others or creates an environment of intimidation, hostility, defamation of character, humiliation, or offense.



4. 健康安全幸福的工作環境  



Health, Safety, and Wellbeing in the Workplace

YULI is committed to creating a happy environment and promoting conditions that enable every employee to achieve their best state. We provide healthy and safe working conditions for all YULI employees and individuals in the workplace, continuously striving to enhance the health and safety performance of our employees. Regardless of location or job position, everyone has a responsibility to work safely, protecting not only themselves but also those around them.



5. 利益衝突



Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest arises when personal relationships (financial, familial, friendships, etc.) interfere with the ability to fulfill duties. Personal and business relationships may overlap, but it is crucial not to create perceptions or circumstances that could lead to conflicts of interest. Therefore, such situations must be reported to management. It may require reallocating responsibilities to another colleague responsible for the client relationship.



6. 用車安全  



Safe Driving Practices

YULI strictly prohibits driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, considering it a serious misconduct. Whether using a company or private vehicle for YULI business, employees must hold valid driver's licenses and ensure their physical condition is suitable for driving. Employees must maintain a responsible attitude towards road safety, adhering to the highest driving and safety standards.



7. 由里資產和資源的使用與保護


◎ 實體資產:謹慎對待並確保安全地儲存和處理裝置,以避免損壞或被竊盜,包括筆記型電腦、手機等可攜式裝置,亦包括從作業產線裝置到影印機等設備。

◎ 金融資產:在被授權其職責範圍內的金融交易,以由里的最佳利益為前提處理支出。提交費用核銷時,為證明其完整性,以確保提供所有適當的憑證。

◎ 智慧財產權(IP)資產:簽訂合約時,應確保進行充分的法律審查,以保護智慧財產權(例如商標、設計圖說及影像等),包括社群媒體「粉絲」帳戶。


Use and Protection of YULI Assets and Resources

As employees of YULI, we have a responsibility to use and protect YULI's resources and information, including:

◎ Physical Assets: Handle and securely store devices such as laptops, mobile phones, and other portable devices to prevent damage or theft.

◎ Financial Assets: Process expenses within authorized duties, prioritizing YULI's best interests. Submit expense reimbursements with complete documentation to ensure integrity.

◎ Intellectual Property (IP) Assets: Sign contracts after thorough legal review to protect intellectual property (e.g., trademarks, designs, images), including social media fan accounts.






Social Media Use

Whether in the office or online, it is essential to take responsibility for one's statements and use social media in a responsible manner. Ensure actions do not pose corporate risks related to confidentiality, reputation, or legal requirements. This applies to both company and personal accounts and extends to postings made outside of working hours.