隱私安全  Privacy and Security


1. 資訊管理與安全 



Information Management and Security

Every member of YULI has a responsibility to be a custodian of the information used by YULI, ensuring that data sharing is based on operational necessity. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information can harm YULI's competitiveness, finances, and reputation. This applies not only to YULI's own information but also to any information provided by business partners.



2. 網路安全 





YULI employs robust information management and security measures to mitigate risks of cyber attacks and to manage vulnerabilities and errors effectively. Using or purchasing software without prior assessment, approval, and supervision from YULI's information partners can pose significant risks, such as data loss, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and increased unknown cybersecurity risks.



3. 個資隱私與安全 



Personal Data Privacy and Security

As part of operations, YULI collects, stores, and processes personal data of employees and clients. Therefore, YULI employees must diligently protect the confidentiality and security of any data to safeguard personal data privacy. When handling personal data, employees must ensure that such actions serve a legitimate business purpose and maintain transparency in how personal data is used, adhering to privacy statements.



4. 資料外洩 



Data Breaches

A data breach refers to deliberate or accidental loss, damage, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or theft of personal data. Data breaches are highly probable and often difficult to properly identify. In case of any risk of data breach, whether perceived or actual, it should be reported to YULI and its information partners promptly.