
Interior Renovation Process

填寫諮詢單 Completing Consultation Form


‧ 官網填寫「諮詢單(網址捷徑)」
‧ 收到後於3-5個工作天內電聯或線上連繫業主
‧ 確實收到平面圖CAD檔、喜歡風格照、現況照 (舊屋翻新/已交屋需提供),以及文字需求後,安排進行前置會議
‧ Official website form "Consultation Form (URL Shortcut)
‧ Contact or connect with homeowners within 3-5 business days upon receipt
‧ Once received, provide floor plan CAD files, preferred style photos, current condition photos
(for renovation/already purchased homes), and text requirements, then schedule a preliminary meeting.

前置會議 Preliminary Meeting

‧ 認識彼此,雙向溝通
‧ 解說的服務流程及收費標準
‧ 風格及需求訪談,討論預算範圍
‧ 如有提供平面圖CAD檔,草配後可提出設計報價;若無,現場丈量後再進行設計報價
‧ 簽訂設計合約,並依簽訂合約之付款方式收取階段費用
‧ Mutual Introduction and Two-way Communication.
‧ Explanation of Service Process and Fee Structure.
‧ Style and Requirement Interview, Discussion on Budget Range.
‧ If floor plan CAD files are provided, a design quotation can be proposed after conceptualization; if not, on-site measurement will be conducted before providing a design quotation.
‧ Signing of Design Contract and Collection of Stage Payments according to the agreed payment terms in the contract.

現場丈量 On-site Measurement

‧ 現場實際精準丈量、放現況圖樣
‧ 預售屋等待成屋後丈量
‧ 若原先無提供平面圖CAD檔,需酌收前置丈量費; 現場丈量後,三個工作天內以實際坪數正式報價及簽訂設計合約, 並依簽訂合約之付款方式收取階段費用
‧ 前置丈量費依坪數、地區收取場勘丈量費,可在正式設計報價中折抵
‧ On-site precise measurement and drafting of existing conditions.
‧ Measurement to be conducted upon completion of pre-sale homes.
‧ If floor plan CAD files were not provided initially, an upfront measurement fee will be charged.
Within three business days after on-site measurement, an official quotation based on actual area will be provided,
and a design contract will be signed. Stage payments will be collected according to the agreed terms in the contract.
‧ The upfront measurement fee is based on area and location
and can be deducted from the official design quotation.

風格提案 Style Proposal

‧ 設計風格方向確定
‧ 深入了解空間特性及業主生活習慣
‧ 工程概估預算書
‧ Confirmation of Design Style Direction.
‧ In-depth Understanding of Space Characteristics and Homeowner's Lifestyle.
‧ Engineering Estimated Budget Proposal.

細節討論 Detailed Discussion

‧ 平面配置定案、細部設計討論
‧ 進行Skp 3D設計圖繪製
‧ 使用之建材、材質、顏色等定案
‧ 設計施工圖繪製及燈光計畫、迴路設定
‧ 細節預算及工程進度討論
‧ 簽訂工程合約
‧ Finalizing Floor Plan Layout and Detailed Design Discussion.
‧ Creating 3D Design Drawings using SketchUp (Skp).
‧ Confirming Materials, Textures, Colors, etc.
‧ Drawing Design Construction Plans, Lighting Plans, and Circuit Settings.
‧ Detailed Budget and Project Progress Discussion.
‧ Signing Construction Contract.

工程施作 Construction Execution

‧ 依設計圖及工程進度進行施工, 並依簽訂合約之付款方式收取階段費用
‧ 專人現場監工控管,告知業主工程狀況
‧ 階段進行驗收,為業主把關工程品質
‧ 燈飾、家飾、家具、窗簾等挑選定案
‧ Implementing construction according to the design drawings and project progress, and collecting stage payments according to the agreed terms in the contract.
‧ Dedicated on-site supervision to oversee and inform homeowners of project progress.
‧ Conducting stage inspections to ensure the quality of workmanship for homeowners.
‧ Finalizing selections for lighting, home decor, furniture, curtains, etc.

完工交屋 Completion and Handover

‧ 業主驗收交屋
‧ 收取工程尾款費用
‧ 由里施作工程項目,自驗收日起提供一年保固 (原建商所施作的工程,不屬於保固範圍內)
‧ Homeowner's acceptance and handover inspection.
‧ Collection of final payment for the project.
‧ Providing a one-year warranty for projects completed by our team, starting from the date of acceptance. (Projects undertaken by the original developer are not covered by this warranty.)

售後服務 After-sales Service

‧ 業主驗收交屋
‧ 收取工程尾款費用
‧ 由里施作工程項目,自驗收日起提供一年保固
‧ Homeowner's acceptance and handover inspection.
‧ Collection of final payment for the project.
‧ Providing a one-year warranty for projects completed by our team, starting from the date of acceptance.
(Projects undertaken by the original developer are not covered by this warranty.)

Architectural Design Process

填寫諮詢單 Completing Consultation Form


‧ 官網填寫「諮詢單(網址捷徑)」
‧ 收到後於3-5個工作天內電聯或線上連繫業主
‧ 確實收到線上提供地籍資料、喜歡外觀風格照、Google評估現況、現況照(外觀拉皮需提供),以及文字需求後,安排進行前置會議
‧ Submit "Consultation Form" on the official website (shortcut URL).
‧ Contact the homeowner via phone call or online communication within 3-5 business days after receiving the form.
‧ Upon receipt of online provided cadastral data, preferred exterior style photos, Google assessment of the current condition, current condition photos (if exterior cladding is to be provided), and text requirements, schedule a preliminary meeting.

前置會議 Preliminary Meeting

‧ 認識彼此,雙向溝通
‧ 解說的服務流程及收費標準
‧ 風格及需求訪談,討論預算範圍
‧ 提案費報價,正式簽約可在設計報價中折抵
‧ Mutual Introduction and Two-way Communication.
‧ Explanation of Service Process and Fee Structure.
‧ Style and Requirement Interview, Discussion on Budget Range.
‧ Proposal Fee Quotation, Deductible from the formal design quotation upon signing the contract.

現勘調查 Site Survey

‧ 現場進行環境勘查
‧ 探討相關建築法規
‧ 場勘費依所在地區
‧ Conducting on-site environmental surveys.
‧ Discussing relevant building regulations.
‧ Site survey fees vary depending on the location.

提案會議 Proposal Meeting

‧ 依業主風格及需求進行整合, 確定建築形體走向
‧ 發展建築外觀及平面規劃
‧ Integrating homeowner's style and requirements to determine architectural direction.
‧ Developing architectural exterior and floor plan layouts.

建築外觀、平面規劃設計 Exterior Design and Floor Plan Layout

‧ 繪製建築外觀設計圖及簡易平面配置
‧ 建築外觀燈光設計建議
‧ 調整給排水及強弱電圖
‧ Drafting architectural exterior design drawings and simple floor plan configurations.
‧ Suggesting architectural exterior lighting design.
‧ Adjusting plumbing and electrical plans.

材料挑選 Material Selection

‧ 建築外觀建材建議及調整
‧ 建築體室內空間、地、壁、門片材料建議
‧ Recommending and adjusting architectural exterior building materials.
‧ Recommending materials for interior spaces, floors, walls, and doors.

Soft Furnishing Integration Process

填寫諮詢單 Completing Consultation Form


‧ 官網填寫「諮詢單(網址捷徑)」
‧ 收到後將3-5個工作天內電聯或線上連繫業主
‧ 確實收到平面圖CAD檔、喜歡風格照、現況照,以及文字需求後,安排進行前置會議
‧ Completion of "Consultation Form" on the official website (shortcut URL).
‧ Contacting the homeowner via phone call or online communication within 3-5 business days after receiving the form.
‧ Scheduling a preliminary meeting upon receiving floor plan CAD files, preferred style photos, current condition photos, and text requirements.

前置會議 Preliminary Meeting

‧ 認識彼此,雙向溝通
‧ 解說的服務流程及收費標準
‧ 風格及需求訪談,討論預算範圍
‧ 深入了解空間特性及業主生活習慣
‧ 如需現場丈量,則酌收場勘費 (依坪數、地區收取場勘丈量費,可在正式設計報價中折抵)
‧ 會後三個工作天內提出報價
‧ Mutual Introduction and Two-way Communication.
‧ Explanation of Service Process and Fee Structure.
‧ Style and Requirement Interview, Discussion on Budget Range.
‧ In-depth Understanding of Space Characteristics and Homeowner's Lifestyle.
‧ If on-site measurement is required, a survey fee will be charged (survey fees vary depending on area and can be offset against the formal design quotation).
‧ Quotation provided within three business days after the meeting.

軟裝整合規劃建議書 Soft Furnishing Integration Proposal

‧ 簽訂軟裝整合規劃建議書, 並依建議書之付款方式收取階段費用
‧ Signing of Soft Furnishing Integration Proposal, with stage payments collected according to the proposal's payment terms.

軟裝提案會議 Soft Furnishing Proposal Meeting

‧ 平面規劃、設計及風格提案
‧ 家具家飾清單規劃
‧ 色彩計劃
‧ 提供初估預算及施作時間表
‧ Floor plan layout, design, and style proposal.
‧ Planning of furniture and home decor inventory.
‧ Color scheme planning.
‧ Provision of initial budget estimate and work schedule.

商品定案及採購 Product Finalization and Procurement

‧ 所有軟裝樣式及報價定案,進行採購
‧ Finalizing selection and pricing of all soft furnishing styles, and proceeding with procurement.

進場施作及佈置 On-site Execution and Setup

‧ 現場窗簾、壁漆、壁紙施工, 以及傢俱飾品進場佈置擺設
‧ On-site installation of curtains, wall paint, wallpaper, as well as furniture and decor arrangement.

完工點驗 Completion Inspection

‧ 與業主現場點收,簽業主確認單
‧ 完成後需清潔,清潔費另計
‧ On-site inspection with homeowner, signing of homeowner confirmation form.
‧ Post-completion cleaning, cleaning fee charged separately.






Fee Structure

In the process of interior design and renovation projects, a significant amount of waste is generated, leading to environmental pollution. Recognizing our responsibility to the environment, Yuli is committed to achieving "interior designs without the need for renovation." To achieve this goal, we not only consider effective use of residual materials in our designs but also address carbon emissions issues when selecting materials from our vendor partners (such as glass, wood, etc.). To realize this objective, Yuli prioritizes sustainable development strategies, including sustainable wood sourcing, promoting circular economy principles, and reducing carbon emissions.



1. 前置丈量費 

依坪數及地區計價 NT$30,000~NT$60,000(坪數超過60坪以上另計),交通車馬費另計。※ 一次收費。 ※ 前置丈量費用包含實地丈量、需求訪談、初步平面配置與風格提案,此費用於正式簽訂設計合約時,可全額折抵。


Pre-measurement Fee
Pre-measurement Fee: NT$30,000 to NT$60,000 based on area and location (extra for areas over 60 ping). Transportation costs are extra. This one-time fee includes on-site measurements, needs assessment, initial layout, and style proposals. It will be fully deducted from the final design contract.



2. 室內設計費 

依風格計費 NT$8,000/坪~NT$20,000/坪。 ※ 設計費依實際規劃坪數計算,未滿20坪將以20坪計。


Interior Design Fee
Priced based on style, ranging from NT$8,000 to NT$20,000 per ping. ※ Design fees are calculated based on the actual planned area, with a minimum charge for areas below 20 pings.



3. 建築設計費

以建蔽率與容積率概抓,實際坪數依現場丈量為主 NT$3,500/坪~NT$6,000/坪。※ 建築規費及審查費用另計。


Architectural Design Fee

Roughly estimated based on the building coverage and plot ratio, with the actual area measured on-site. Ranging from NT$3,500 to NT$6,000 per ping. ※ Building regulation fees and review fees are additional.



4. 工程費 

新成屋最低接案金額:NT$300萬元以上。舊屋翻新最低接案金額:NT$700萬元以上。※ 不接受局部裝修工程,以及非本公司設計之工程委託。


Construction Fee

Minimum contract amount for new constructions: NT$3,000,000 and above. Minimum contract amount for renovation of existing properties: NT$7,000,000 and above. ※ We do not accept partial renovation projects or projects not designed by our company.



5. 監工管理費 



Supervision and Management Fee
Starting from 8% of the total project price. ※ We do not accept projects not designed by our company.
*The company reserves the right to modify, explain, and interpret pricing and pricing methods.
*All prices quoted are exclusive of tax and do not include equipment, furniture, decorations, or optional accessories.



6. 軟裝整合費用 

全室軟裝規劃收費:50坪以下(包含50坪),每坪收費:NT$8,000 / 坪,51坪後,每坪收費:NT$6,000 / 坪。


Soft Furnishing Integration Fee
Soft Furnishings Planning Fee: For areas up to 50 ping (including 50 ping), the fee is NT$8,000 per ping. For areas over 51 ping, the fee is NT$6,000 per ping.